History on the plate

19th-century dinner in Prónay Castle with Csaba Katona

It is well known that the basis of what is considered traditional Hungarian cuisine was formed in the 19th century. But what did the Hungarian aristocracy consume? At the dinner party to be held in the Prónay Castle, we will recall the contemporary flavors of the table of the Prónays, the Batthyánys and the Habsburgs from the "long 19th century", flashing the elements of an aristocratic meal. And all this in such a way that, in addition to the excellent dishes of our chef István Oláh and the accompanying drinks, we also verbally recall the 1800s. Historian Csaba Katona, an employee of the Hungarian National Archives, will talk about the everyday life and eating habits of the 19th century aristocracy, old recipes and dishes.

Start: Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 6 p.m.
The price of the dinner with wine list: HUF 25,500/person


E-mail: recepcio@pronaykastely.hu
Tel: +36 35 530 009