Our Dear Guests,
On behalf of my colleagues I can promise we do everything in order to your rest to be joyful and smooth.Therefore I ask you kindly to take note and adhere to the below:
Thank you, Szilvia Tömösvári - Castle Director
1. Check in - Check out information
On arrival day the rooms are avaliable from 14:00 pm. If you have early arrival intentions, please let us know in advance via either email or phone. On the day of departure it is possible to extend your stay, as long as there is no new guest arriving for the room (extension fee: to be agreed).
On the day of the departure the guests shall leave the room with their baggage until 10:00am and hand in the chip card received upon check in at the Front Desk.
The guests are required to pay the counter-value of their hotel stay before their final departure, as specified in the hotel contract.
In case of refusal to pay for whatever reason the hotel has the right to hold the quest`s goods back and right for foreclosure validation.
In case of departure without paying the hotel shall report to the police, and also will enforce legally a claim against the guest, the cost being borned by guest.
The hotel will charge the guest bank card with the arrears incurred and the amount of unpaid fees.
2. Room Key
At registration guests receive as room key, a card, that requires the accurate completion of the application form. For the damage or loss of room card we will charge a compensation amount
(5.000,- Huf) at departure.
3. Visitors
Only those guests can stay in hotel rooms, who have registered at the Front Desk, therefore we kindly ask you to receive your visitors in the lobby.
Only those guests are allowed in the hotel rooms who have registered at the Front Desk. The guest shall be responsible for its visitor`s behaviour - including any damages caused by them.
The hotel excludes its liability for damages caused by the visitor to the guest and/or third party.
In case of supernumerary guest the hotel shall charge a reception/rack price.
Guests under 18 years
Children under 14 can stay only under constant supervision of a parent or other person with legal capacity appointed by parent. The child attendants are responsible for the child safety and the damages caused by the child.
The hotel services are accessable for guests under 14 years only if they are accompanied by a parent or another person with legal capacity appointed by parent.
On the hotel premises, during events persons under 18 may not consume alcohol. The parent of a person under 18, or the person with legal capacity appointed by parent must ensure that this obligation shall be met.
The parent or the another person with legal capacity appointed by parent holds liability for the legal, moral and financial consequences of the breach of this obligation.
4. Security
For valuables there are safety deposit boxes available free of charge in the hotel rooms built into the cabinets.
For the purpose to ensure the guests` and the hotel property & personal`s safety there is a closed-circuit camera system in operation within the building and its external (street) and internal (court) surroundings, which shoots and records images 24 hours a day.
In case of fire the guest is required to follow the escape route situated in the room, respectively the instructions of the fireman on site.
Fire bottles are located in the hotel`s corridors, on each floor. In case of fire, the guest must forthwith alert the Front Desk.
In the hotel rooms it is forbidden to operate iron, kettle, coffee maker and other electrical devices, that don`t serve the usual travel needs – not including laptop, notebook, tablet, camera, video camera.
5. Fire protection
Every Guest must comply with the rules of the hotel's Fire Safety Policy. Fire damages caused by guest`s negligence and costs of alarms shall be borned by the guest. The cost of negligent fire alarm, but at least the amount of 25.000,- Huf + VAT is required to be reimbursed by guest.
6. Meals
Breakfast is at our guests disposal between 8:30am -10:00am, please only consume the buffet offerings in the dining room.
7. Items that are not allowed into the territory of the hotel
The hotel prohibits the entering the following:
things considered under the current legislation as corrosive, flammable chemicals and materials,
substances considered under the current legislation as highly flammable and /or explosive,
food, beverages ( including alcoholic beverages ) bought outside of the hotel`s shop, vending machine,
particularly expensive, high-value valuables, historical value objects,
fireworks, firecracker, their parts, components,
waste, things that are harmful to environment, health,
At a preliminary written request, the hotel may authorise in writing the entry to the hotel`s territory of a substance specified above.
If the guest, without the preliminary written permission of the hotel, takes into the territory of the hotel a substance that is not allowed, the hotel shall remove or get them removed at the expense of the guest.
The hotel excludes its liability for damage of items entered without permission.
The guest shall hold complete legal and financial liability for the any damage or injury caused to other guests, third party or hotel by the items entered without permission.
8. Personal electronic devices
It is forbidden to store in the hotel room flammable, explosive material, to use coffee maker, kettle, iron and other electrical device. Ironing and laundry requests can be indicated at the hotel`s Front Desk. The guest shall be responsible for any damage caused by the guest`s personal electronic device, the damage shall be compensated by the guest.
9. Smoking
The hotel is a non-smoking hotel. This means that smoking, respectively the use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited within the hotel`s closed premises (including the guest rooms), community areas, and the complete open area of the hotel - except the designated smoking areas.
The hotel staff are entitled to warn the guests, respectively any other person present at site to comply with these regulations, as well as to stop smoking, using electronic cigarettes.
The guests, respectively any other person present at site is required to comply with regulations, as well as fulfill such potential request.
Inasmuch, due to the unlawful conduct of any guest or other person present at hotel site, the competent authority imposes a fine based on the relevant legislation, the hotel shall be entitled
to pass the amount of fine to the person with unlawful conduct, respecitvely to claim from that person the payment of the fine.
10. Restful Quiet/ Respect for others
In interest of the guest`s calmness after 22:00pm - except in case of an event, program organized or authorized by the hotel - it is forbidden to make and maintain loud noise, operate musical instrument, any activity involving noise, sound effects, operation of television, radio etc on distrurbing volume in the room.
Regardless the time on the territory of the hotel, any conduct, behavior is forbidden that disturbs others`s rest, safety, sense of security, privacy; it constitutes or may constitute harassment, it is suitable to intimidate others.
The hotel staff are entitled to warn the disruptive and/or noisy guests. The first warning is free of charge, for the second and third warning an amount of of 5.000,- Huf for each time will be charged against the room account.
After the third warning, the hotel has the right to unilaterally terminate the hotel agreement with immediate effect, and to expel the guest without reimbursement and/or compensation obligations.
The hotel excludes liability for any grievance caused to other guest by the conduct of the guest.
11. The hotel values
The guest acknowledges the inventory list placed in room.
The guest is required to use the hotel assets, equipment for its intended purpose. Damages caused by the guest by improper use, shall be compensated by the guest, on the hotel`s call, but latest before departure.
The hotel equipments and amenities are only allowed out of the hotel`s territory with prior written permission of the hotel.
Any rearrangement of the room, move of the furniture must be exclusively carried out by the hotel staff, or the appointed agent.
The removal of hotel thing, without the prior written permission of the hotel, shall be considered as crime, and in this case the hotel will take the necessary criminal and civil legal actions.
The guest is required to notify the hotel about the failure of any assets, equipments, amenities.
The guest is not entitled to repair or attempt the repair. The liability for damage resulting from this excludes the hotel`s liability.
12. Wi-Fi
In the hotel there is a free of charge Wi-Fi system in operation.
The guest shall receive the Wi-Fi password upon the hotel check-in, the same time with the chip card.
The hotel does not guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted operation and availability of Wi-Fi.
The hotel is not liable for damages arising directly or indirectly in the guest`s device or in its content, when using the Wi-Fi or a consequence of using the Wi-Fi. The guest shall use of the service on its responsibility and risk.
13. Mini bar
In the mini bar only those products can be stored that were placed by the hotel. The mini bar shall not be used to cool, to store the guest`s things. The room rate include the mineral water in the mini bar.
14. Parking
The hotel guests can park their vehicles free of charge in the hotel uncovered and unguarded car park.
The rules of Highway Code shall be respected whilst getting around in car park. The vehicles` permitted speed is 20 km/hr.
If the guest wishes to make use the car park of the hotel, they must indicate the vehicle registration number the upon check-in, on the application form. In case of refusal or failure to do so, the car park is not availabe for use. The guest shall be directly liable for the damage caused by them in other parked car.
15. The guest`s illness, decease
Inasmuch the guest becomes ill during the period of accommodation, and can not act in its own interest, the hotel offers medical help. The guest uses the offered medical service on its
own responsibility and risk.
The doctor is not a hotel employee, agent, collaborator, therefore the hotel excludes its liability for the diagnosis, applied therapy, and for its consequences.
In case of the illness/decease of the guest, the hotel shall claim the reimbursement of costs from the patient/deceased`s relative, heir or from bill payer; as regards the possible medical expenses and costs of proceedings, services used prior to the death, and the potential damages occurred in connection with illness/death event.
In case of the guest`s infectious disease the hotel has the right to terminate the hotel agreement with immediate effect without reimbursement and/or compensation obligations. In this case, the guest is required to leave the hotel with its luggage on its own expense within the period specified in the termination of the hotel.
In case of a contagious disease the hotel shall be obliged to act in accordance to Decree No. 18/1998 ( VI.3) of Ministry of National Economy ((18/1998. (VI. 3.) NM rendelet)). (This decree specifies what to do in case of an infectious disease. According to the decree, if there is such suspicion, the hotel shall call a doctor, and the doctor determines that the guest is either contagious or not. )
16. Lost and Found
The found objects can be handed in at the Front Desk, where they are to be registered.
The food, food nature items, medicines wil be destroyed by the hotel. Objects that can be stored will be held for 3 months by the hotel.
Inasmuch the rightful owner of the found object shows up, by presenting a document certifying its identity and by its signature, respectively by compensating the costs of against the compensation of costs occured whilst orzes, can take the object over.
Objects, that due to their size, weight or other characteristics, can not be stored by the hotel, will be forthwith passed to the territorially competent notary.
17. The hotel's liability for damages
The hotel shall take responsibility for the damage of the guest – with the exception of excluded– things as follows.
The hotel shall only be obliged to compensate the cash, securities, valuables`s damage if those were placed and locked into the room deposit safety boxes.
The hotel explicitly draws the guest`s attention to place and lock their cash, valuables, securities into the deposit safety boxes in the rooms.
If the safe is not working or not working properly, the guest is obliged to forthwith inform the hotel`s Front Desk. Damages occuring from the failure or delay of information shall be borned by guest.
The hotel shall be only responsible for damages occured in other things of the guest, if the loss event has occured in a place usually used by guest, or an open place for guest, such as: hotel room, corridor, lobby, garden, parking.
For such resulting damages the hotel shall be liable for at most to the fiftyfold of the daily room fare.
The hotel is excluded from liability for damages, if proves the damage has occured for unavoidable reasons outside of the guests and the employees circle, or the damage was caused by the guest itself.
The hotel's facilities and services shall be used by guest for its intended purposes, consciously and in awareness of their own health, physical and mental state, therefore the hotel shall not be liable for damages caused by the improper use, respectively the inadequate health or physical, mental state of the guest, whilst using the facilities/services.
The spa area of the hotel may only be used at guest`s sole risk.
The guest may request wake you up call, which is a gesture of courtesy by the hotel, the service is not part of the hotel agreement. The hotel assumes no liability for damages resulting from the omission or delay of the requested wake up call.
Guest acknowledges that the Castle – considering its heritage character – does not meet all the requirements of accident prevention and work safety. Service Provider excludes any liability for damages arising from such deficiencies.
18. Report an error
Guests are kindly requested to forthwith report at the hotel Front Desk any kind of malfunctions they experience in the room.
19. Damages
The guest will be liable for the damage caused intentionally or with negligence.
20. Rules related to the COVID-19 epidemic
- All hotel services, including room service, shall be available only to non-infected and asymptomatic guests.
- Upon arrival, prior to check-in, the hotel reserves the right to ask the guests to declare themselves free of infection and asymptomatic or to ask the guests to present their immunity certificate or EU COVID-19 digital vaccination card.
- In case of refusal to present the certificate or the card, the hotel has the right to refuse the service (reservation), terminate the contract with immediate effect and charge a penalty according to the termination conditions.
- If a guest experiences any of the symptoms of the infection during their stay at the hotel (fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of smell, altered or lack of taste), they must immediately inform the hotel in oral or written form.
- The guest is responsible for damages resulting from their failure to provide the above mentioned information immediately.
- In the event of a positive test result for coronavirus, besides notifying the competent district office, the hotel is entitled to terminate the contract with the guest and those arriving with the guest with immediate effect, and compel the guest and the people accompanying them to leave the hotel immediately.
21. Do you have any questions?
Information on further services at Front Desk.
We trust your time dedicated for rest will meet your expectations, will be joyful and smooth.