General Hotel Terms and Conditions (GTC)
1. General provisions
1.1. The General Hotel Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) summarise the contractual content which serves as a basis for P92 Primus Kft. (seat: H-2617, Alsópetény Béke utca 1., hereinafter referred to as Service Provider) operating the Prónay Castle (H-2617 Alsópetény, Petőfi utca 52.) hotel in Alsópetény and the Guest Houses of Alsópetény (hereinafter referred to as hotel), to enter into contracts of accommodation with their Guests. 1.2. Specific terms and conditions do not form part of the present GTC, but the conclusion of special agreements with travel agents or organisers is not excluded, in each case with different terms and conditions according to the particular trade.
2. Contracting parties
2.1. A Guest is any natural or legal person who uses Service Provider’s services related to accommodation in the hotel. Service Provider and Guest together, if the conditions are fulfilled, become contractual parties (hereinafter: Parties).
2.2. If a third party (hereinafter referred to as Agent) acts on behalf of the Guest in concluding the Service Contract, then the provisions of present GTC shall also prevail and in such case Service Provider is not obliged to examine whether Agent represents Customer lawfully. If Agent is not authorised for the representation, it shall be responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the Guest arising from the Contract.
3. How and on what conditions the service shall be used
3.1. The Service Provider will always reply with a written offer upon receiving an oral or written request from Guest.
3.2. The Contract shall be entered into only upon the written confirmation sent by Service Provider and based on the written request submitted by Guest. If Service Provider's confirmation differs from the terms specified in the request for quotation, or if the request for quotation does not cover all issues required for the conclusion of the contract, the contract shall be entered into between the Parties only if all matters considered relevant by either of the Parties are agreed upon by the Parties in writing. However, the contract will become effective only if Guest provides Service Provider with a card guarantee or has made an advance payment. Service Provider is entitled to charge Guest's credit or debit card in advance with the fee of the stay. If the contract does not become effective due to Guest’s failure to fulfil the above obligations, Guest shall pay to Service Provider a penalty of 30% of the total price of the ordered service.
3.3. Reservations, agreements or modifications submitted verbally, or a verbal confirmation made by Service Provider shall not constitute a contract.
3.4. The Service Agreement is concluded for a specified period.
3.5. If Guest definitively ceases to use the service before the expiry of the specified period, it shall not exempt Guest from the obligations determined by the Contract. However, Service Provider is entitled to provide the unused service to a third party.
3.6. The extension of the use of the service initiated by Guest requires the prior consent of the Service Provider. In such a case Service Provider may stipulate the reimbursement of the service already provided.
3.7. It is a condition of using the service that Guest verify their identity before using the service, in accordance with the legal requirements. No one can stay in the hotel without being checked in.
3.8. Modifications and / or amendments to this Contract require a written agreement signed by the Parties
4. How to start and end using the service (check-in and check-out)
4.1. Guest has the right to use the service from 2 pm on the starting day indicated in the Contract (Check-in).
4.2. Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract if Guest does not start using the service by 6 pm on the starting day, unless the contract specifies a later date of arrival.
4.3. If Guest has paid an advance, Service Provider may terminate the contract only after 10 am on the day following the starting day.
4.4. If Service Provider terminates in accordance with the above, Service Provider shall be entitled to a penalty. The penalty is 30% of the total consideration for the service.
4.5. Guest can make use of the service until 10 am on the closing day and must leave the hotel until then (Check-out).
4.6. Depending on the availability of the hotel, it may provide services before and after the above dates for a fee.
5. Extension of service
5.1. The extension of the use of the service requires the prior consent of Service Provider
5.2. If Guest does not finish using the service by 11.30 am on the closing day, does not leave the hotel, and Service Provider has not agreed in advance to the extension of the stay, Service Provider is entitled to charge for the services for each additional day.
6. Prices
6.1. The respective service fee (list price) is available at the hotel reception.
6.2. Service Provider may change the announced list prices without prior notice (for example, due to package prices or other discounts). However, an existing contract shall not be affected by the change unless the change in the service’s list price results from a change in legislation.
6.3. Guest can always get information on the list price of the services at the hotel reception prior to the start of the service provision.
6.4. When announcing the list prices, Service Provider shall indicate the rate of the tax content of the prices (VAT, TOT) applicable at the time of the offer and regulated by law. The published prices include statutory VAT, but do not include tourism tax, which is charged to Guest in addition to the consideration. Service Provider may transfer to Guest, with prior notice, additional charges due to modification of the tax law (VAT, TOT) in force,
7. Special offers, discounts
7.1. Current special offers and discounts are announced on the hotel’s website. The announced special offers always apply to individual contracting.
7.2. The announced special offers cannot be combined with any other promotions.
7.3. Service Provider determines terms and conditions set out in an individual contract in case of the booking of special condition products, group bookings or events.
8. Special offers for children
8.1. The following accommodation and meal discounts are provided by Service Provider for children – in case they share a room with the parents:
- 0 - 3 years of age 100%
- 3 - 12 years of age discount for the extra bed
- 12 – years of age a charge for the extra bed is determined
8.2. Service Provider is not obliged to place an extra bed in every room.
8.3. Guest must inform Service Provider about their need for an extra bed when booking.
9. Cancellation Policy
9.1. Guest may cancel the service or terminate the Service Contract upon payment of forfeit and under the following conditions (hereinafter: cancellation):
- if cancelled within 48 hours of the Check-in date, the amount of the forfeit is 80% of the full service fee.
- if cancelled within 7 days prior to check-in, but not within 48 hours, the forfeit is 30% of the full service fee.
- if cancelled more than 7 days prior to the check-in date, Guest will not be charged with a forfeit.
10. Payment method, guarantee
10.1. The consideration for the ordered services can be paid on the spot, in cash, in HUF or EURO. In the case of payments in euro, the exchange rate used is the prevailing daily MNB average rate -10%. Payment may also be made by any of the credit cards indicated by Service Provider as accepted, by wire transfer or via the website.
10.2. In case of a transfer, Guest shall transfer the fee of the ordered services to the bank account indicated by Service Provider in such a way that the respective amount is credited to the bank account before the starting day of the Service.
11. Refusal to execute the contract, termination of service obligation
11.1. Service Provider has the right to terminate the Contract with immediate effect, thus refusing to provide the services if:
- Guest does not use the service as intended;
- Guest behaves in a manner inconsistent with the safety or order of the hotel, is abusive, harsh with the hotel staff, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, exhibits threatening, abusive or other unacceptable behaviour, smokes outside of the designated smoking area or otherwise violates the house rules.
- the Guest suffers from an infectious disease;
11.2. However, even if Service Provider terminates in accordance with the above, it may claim the full cost of the ordered service.
12. Accommodation guarantee
12.1. If Service Provider is unable to provide the services specified in the Contract due to its own fault (e.g. overbooking, temporary operation problems etc.), Service Provider shall immediately arrange for the Guest to be accommodated and the service supplied.
12.2. If Service Provider fully complies with these obligations and if Guest has accepted the alternative accommodation offered to them, Contracting Party shall not be entitled to claim subsequent compensation.
12.3. In the event that Service Provider is unable to meet its obligation formulated in point 12.1, Service Provider may claim only the fees covered by services.
13. Guest’s rights
13.1. With the signing and entering into force of the contract, Guest acquires the right to use the service.
13.2. Guest may complain regarding the services provided by Service Provider during the stay at the hotel. The Service Provider undertakes to handle any complaint that has been provenly submitted to them in writing (or recorded in the minutes by them) during this period.
13.3. Guest may exercise their right of claim against Service Provider within 30 days after the termination of Service Provider's service obligation or, if the service obligation does not occur, within 30 days from the conclusion of the contract, thereafter the right of claim enforcement shall terminate.
14. Guest’s obligations
14.1. Guest is obliged to pay the service fee according to the contract.
14.2. Guest is required to abide by the hotel house rules.
14.3. If Guest brings food or beverages into the hotel and consumes these in public spaces, Service Provider is entitled to charge a fair fee (the so-called “cork fee” in case of drinks).
14.4. It is forbidden for the hotel guests to take food / drinks out of the hotel catering units.
14.5. Service Provider's permission is required for the installation of any electrical devices brought by Guests to the hotel, that are not considered to be usual travel equipment.
14.6. Waste shall only be placed in the litter bins located on the site. It is forbidden to take furniture outside the hotel or change their location inside the hotel.
14.7. Guest may use the tools and equipment found in the hotel solely on their own responsibility, with the mandatory observance of the posted user manuals. Private equipment and locations designated for private use are not part of the rental property, the use thereof is not allowed for guests.
14.8. In case of smoking in the room, Service Provider is entitled to charge an extra cleaning fee of HUF 25,000 to Guest.
14.9. In the event of a fire, Guest shall immediately notify any employee of Service Provider. In case of fire or other alarm, Guest is obliged to leave the hotel as soon as possible, according to the posted information.
14.10. Guest shall be fully liable for any damage resulting from improper use. Guest shall be jointly and severally liable for recompensating the damage with the party causing the damage who is staying at the Hotel in the right or in the interest of the Guest.
14.11. Guest shall ensure that children under the age of 16 and under their responsibility, shall stay in the Hotel only with the supervision of an adult.
14.12. Guest must report any damage caused to them to the Hotel immediately and provide the hotel with all information necessary to clarify the circumstances of the incident and possibly to record the police report / initiate a police procedure.
14.13. Guest expressly acknowledges that, for security reasons, the hotel operates a closed-circuit camera system in the common areas of the hotel (except changing rooms, bathrooms, but including car parking and outside areas directly adjacent to the hotel), whose recordings will be deleted under applicable law.
14.14. Upon termination of the service, Guest is required to submit the room cards at the reception. In the event of failure to do so or loss or damage of the card, Service Provider shall be entitled to charge an indemnity fee for the card, which shall be paid by Guest upon departure. Room cards may be used by Guest to enter the room until 10 am on the day of their departure. The room card will expire after this date unless the Guest has agreed with the Service Provider to extend the stay.
15. Animals
15.1. Service Provider may give special permission for the entering of pets into the castle area.
Contact with free-living and stray animals in the hotel area shall be the sole responsibility of Guest and Service Provider shall not be liable for any injuries or biting.
16. Service Provider’s Rights
16.1. If Guest does not fulfil their obligation to pay the fee for the services provided or contractually ordered but not used, and subject to penalty fee, Service Provider, to secure their claims, shall have a lien on Guest's personal property taken to the hotel.
16.2. The concierge service providing permanent supervision of the hotel is entitled to check Guests at entering or leaving, verify their identity and, if necessary, to inspect the vehicles on departure.
16.3. If necessary, the concierge service is entitled to direct traffic on the hotel premises.
16.4. If Guest fails to fulfil any of his payment obligations, Service Provider, according to the Hungarian Civil Code, shall have a lien on Guest's personal property taken to the hotel, to secure their claims. The rules of the landlord's lien apply to this lien. As long as the lien is in force, Service Provider may prevent the removal of the pledged property. If the pledged object is a vehicle owned by Guest, its retention as a pledge object shall be limited to the pledge object and shall not in any way restrict the personal freedom of movement of Guest or their fellow travellers. People can leave the hotel without any further restrictions.
17. Service Provider’s obligations
17.1. Service Provider shall be obliged to supply the accommodation and other services ordered under the contract in accordance with the applicable regulations and service standards.
17.2. It is the duty of Service Provider to investigate any written complaint submitted by Guest within the deadline, to take the necessary steps to deal with the problem and to record these in a written form.
18. Service Provider's liability for damages
18.1. Service Provider shall be liable for any loss suffered due to the disappearance, damage or destruction of Guest's property, if Guest has placed them according to the indications of Service Provider.
18.2. Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage that has occurred due to an unavoidable cause outside the scope of Service Provider's employees and Guests or caused by the Guest itself.
18.3. Service Provider may designate locations within the hotel where entry is forbidden to Guest. Service Provider shall not be liable for any possible damage or injury caused to Guest in such places.
18.4. Service Provider shall be liable for valuables, securities and cash only if those have been explicitly taken over for safekeeping or the damage has occurred for a reason for which it is liable under the general rules. In addition, the Service Provider shall not be liable for damages resulting from improper use.
18.5. Service Provider shall not be liable for damages either if the use of hotel wellness or sport facilities is limited or not permitted for the duration of extraordinary maintenance or other works ordered to comply with health regulations.
18.6. Guest may use the hotel's wellness area at their sole risk, there is an increased risk of slipping in areas close to the water, for any resulting accidents the hotel takes no liability.
18.7. Guest must report any damage caused to them to the Hotel immediately and provide the hotel with all information necessary to clarify the circumstances of the incident and possibly to record the police report / initiate a police procedure.
19. Confidentiality
19.1. Service Provider shall act in accordance with the provisions of the law on the protection of personal data and the disclosure of data of public interest while performing its contractual obligation.
20. Force Majeure
20.1. Any reason or circumstance (such as war, fire, flood, extreme weather, power shortage, strike) over which Service Provider has no control (force majeure), shall exempt Service Provider from its contractual obligations until such cause or circumstance is present.
21. Place of service provision, applicable law and competent court with respect to the legal relationship between the parties
21.1. The place of the service provision is the place where the hotel is located.
21.2. In all disputes arising from the Contract with respect to Service Provider, the locally competent court is entitled to proceed.
21.3. The legal relationship between Service Provider and Guest shall be governed by the jurisdiction of Hungary and the provisions of Hungarian law.
22. Information about visitors to our website
22.1. Service Provider does not record the user's IP address or any other personal information during visits to the website operated by them. Searching the site is free and anonymous. Service Provider uses anonymous internet visits exclusively for statistical purposes, to optimize its presence on the Internet, to increase the security of the system and the recorded information do not contain any personal data.
22.2. Service Provider shall keep all data and facts concerning the Users confidential and uses these exclusively for the purpose of own research and statistics.
22.3. Service Provider shall not be liable for any previous pages that have already been deleted but have been archived by Internet search engines. These must be removed by the search engine operator.
23. Newsletter
23.1. For newsletter subscribers on the website operated by Service Provider, 3-4 times a year online newsletters and electronic direct marketing messages (hereinafter referred to as Newsletter) are sent, including news, information and offers regarding the current affairs of the Prónay Castle, the Guest Houses of Alsópetény and “Why exactly Nógrád?”.
24. Privacy Policy
24.1. Service Provider considers as high priority the protection of personal data during its activity. In all cases, it handles personal data provided to it in accordance with the applicable laws, ensures their security, takes the technical and organizational measures and establishes the rules of procedure necessary to comply with the applicable laws.
24.2. Pursuant to the GDPR, Service Provider uses the data of the users for the purposes of contracting, billing and for its own advertising purposes exclusively.
24.3. By ordering the service, Guest acknowledges to have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agrees to be bound by them.
25. Rules for using the Prónay Castle parking lot
25.1. The parking is a private area.
25.2. At the same time, both vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the parking lot are governed by the rules of the KRESZ in force at all times.
25.3. The parking lot can only be used by those authorized to do so by the operator of the parking lot.
25.4. The parking lot can only be used for the placement of vehicles and for the purpose of leaving or approaching vehicles.
25.5. Minors under the age of 14 may only enter the parking lot under the supervision of an adult, who is also responsible for the behavior of the minor.
25.6. Explosive, flammable, polluting substances may not be brought into the parking lot or stored in the vehicle.
25.7. It is forbidden to keep animals in the vehicle in the parking lot.
25.8. Smoking is prohibited in the parking lot.
25.9. It is forbidden to vandalize the parking lot.
25.10. Please pay extra attention to the cleanliness of the parking lot, and only place garbage in the bins provided for this purpose.
25.11. Please take care of the silence of the parking lot environment, do not disturb the rest of others by making noise, and do not run the engine of the vehicle unnecessarily.
25.12. Please notify the parking lot manager immediately if you experience any abnormalities in the parking lot.
25.13. At the same time, we would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the car park was not created specifically for public purposes, so no special accident prevention measures have been taken, the pavements can move, we do not use anti-slip protection - also in view of the age of environmental protection regulations - so everyone can use the car park solely at their own risk . The parking lot is not accessible.
26. Rules of use of the Prónay Castle park
First of all, we would like to thank you for honoring us and enjoying the beauty and tranquility of the park that we have created and maintain with great care.
At the same time, in order for others to have similar experiences with us, it is necessary that you also preserve the condition of the park.
To this end, we bring the following rules to your attention, stating that if you enter the park, you accept these rules - even in the absence of any separate legal declaration - by your implied behavior, so they are binding on you.
26.1. You can only enter the park with the permission of the park operator.
26.2. Minors under the age of 14 can only enter the park under the supervision of an adult, who is also responsible for the behavior of the minor.
26.3. Dogs and other pets can only be brought into the park with the permission of the park manager. The imported animal can only be kept on a leash, the animal's excrement must be collected by the importer.
26.4. It is forbidden to bring explosive, flammable or polluting substances into the park.
26.5. Only people with reduced mobility are allowed to drive in the park, but they can only use manual or electric vehicles. Cycling is also not allowed in the park. A stroller is not a vehicle.
26.6. It is forbidden to climb trees and light fires in the park.
26.7. Bathing in the lake or reservoir in the park is prohibited.
26.8. It is forbidden to damage the park's vegetation or hurt its animals.
26.9. Please pay extra attention to the cleanliness of the park, and only place garbage in the bins provided for this purpose.
27.10. Please take care of the silence of the park and do not disturb the rest of others by making noise.
27.11. Please notify the park manager immediately if you experience any abnormalities in the park.
27.12. At the same time, we would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the park was not created specifically for public purposes, so we did not take special accident prevention measures, the pavements can move, we do not use anti-skid protection - also in view of the age of environmental protection regulations - so everyone can visit the park solely at their own risk. The park is not accessible.
Thank you for complying with the above rules and contributing to the safe use of the parking lot and the protection of our park.
Manager of the parking lot/park: P92 Primus Kft.
Operator's contact information:
by phone: + 36 35 530 009
by e-mail:,
by mail: 2617 Alsópetény, Kossuth Lajos út 34.
27. Miscellaneous provisions
27.1. Service Provider is entitled to amend the GTC through unilateral statement. However, the amendment does not affect already existing contracts.
27.2. Guest acknowledges to have read and accepted all the terms and conditions of the GTC, and Service Provider has answered all arising questions.
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