Afternoon tea

Sunday Afternoon Tea 15.00-18.00

English-style afternoon tea with Hungarian national motifs accompanied by light snacks at the sumptuous Prónay Castle at Alsópetény. Great atmosphere and authentic experience are ensured by our professional staff.

Prices: 5.900 HUF/person
Price includes light sandwich variations, sweet scone with cream and homemade jam, special cakes and a jug of tea.
Extra for 1.190 HUF/glass: Csendes Dűlő sparkling wine Szürkebarát 2022

Dates, 2025 Afternoon Tea:
23 March
6, 27 April 
18 May 
28 September 
12 October 
23 November 
26 October
7 December 

Reservation is needed in advance latest by Friday before the event.

Tel: +36 35 530 009